How Concerned Should Parents Be About Kik?
Kik is one of the more popular apps used by tween and teenagers. Primarily, Kik operates like a free-for-all bulletin board. Postings...

How Concerned Should Parents Be About Facebook?
With now more than two billion users worldwide, Facebook is the undisputed king of social media, with almost as many users as the next...

13 Reasons Why is Not Fiction
If you’re reading this, then you are probably concerned with cyberbullying and other related topics, such as sexting. You may have heard...

Cyberbullying and the Wild Wild Web
Too many books on cyberbullying focus on the technical of legal consequences of cyberbullying. Hitchcock reminds us that there are real...

National Bullying Prevention Month is Not Over
October was National Bullying Prevention Month. That doesn’t mean that since it’s now November, that people can go back to being bullies....

When Your Child is the Cyberbully
“A lot of parents think that bullying is a problem, but not their kid’s problem.” ~ Elizabeth Englander There are many manifestations of...

Is it Ever OK to Spy on Your Kids
Is it ever okay to spy on your kids? I expect that many people will react strongly to that question, one way or the other. That was my...

What do Seat Belts Have in Common with Cyber Safety?
When seat belts were first introduced, auto makers did not want to install them into their cars, feeling that it would add an unnecessary...

There is no Silver Bullet
The truth is that there is no silver bullet that will keep your kids safe from inappropriate or dangerous content online. I wish that...

16 Questions to Get Your Kids Talking to You about Social Media
Over the years, I’ve had more retail sales jobs than I care to count. At one of them, my manager, Rob, gave me some excellent advice on...